Photos prises ce week-end sur l'étang gelé. Il faisait un froid de canard donc j'étais bien contente de sauter dans mon gros manteau chaud après les photos. J'avais prévu le coup alors je portais sous la robe longue mes combines de ski! Pour ce look, je me suis insiprée d'un mélange des styles gypsy (gitan) et far west.
Snaps took this week-end on a pond where we used to do some ice skating. It was really cold so I was happy to jump back in my warm coat after the shots. What is actually nice with a long dress is that you can were something underneath... like my ski base layers! My inspiration for this look come from gypsy style and far west.
Robe - H&M
Cardigan et bottes - Zara
Foulard - Gap
Chapeau - Urban outfitters
Le Chapeau (L)