
Fantastic Frank

Fantasic Frank is a swedish agency composed of fashion photographers, architural stylist etc. Their job is to beautify and glamorize house to sell them easily. Here some pictures to show how well they do this!
Via Miss Moss



House 11 x 11

Created by German architects Titus Bernhard from Architekten BDA. The outside of the house is covered with wood-lamella. It creates a nice design on the facade. The inner is beautiful as well! 


Claudia Ligari

|    Autumn/Winter 2012/2013 (Lookbook)|    Autumn/Winter 2012/2013 (Lookbook)|    Autumn/Winter 2012/2013 (Lookbook)|    Autumn/Winter 2012/2013 (Lookbook)

Fall Winter 2012/2013 collection by Claudia Ligari. Nice transparency, oversized clothes and layers.



Sandales - Seaside
Top - Lefties
Shorts - Forever XXI
Porte monnaie - Seconde main



Des plages à couper le souffle à environ deux heures de Lisbonne: une petite ville nommée Ericeira.  
Amazing beaches from only two hours of Lisbon. This beautiful place is Ericeira.


Ant house by mA-style architects


Maison très sympa au Japon par mA-style architects. Du contreplaqué, du mobilier ultra simple... Superbe!
Cool house in Japan by mA-style architects. Plywood inside and metal outside.
Via Dezeen


Lisbon photographs II

1. Colored stairs
2. Lisbon shopping guide 
3. Shadow of a Calder sculpture at Museu Colecção Berardo
4. Lisbon bridge from Praça do Comércio




Je pars pour environ deux mois au Portugal et en Espagne. Un simple sac à dos contient tous les vêtements que j'apporte et il y a une petite place pour ma caméra et mon ordinateur. Je vais donc publier de là!

I'm leaving for about two months in Portugal and Spain. I my (small) backpack I bring my camera. So, I'll try to post as much as I can from there.


Entrevue: Anne-Fred

Que fais-tu en ce moment?
Étudiante en communication publique, Université Laval
Guide (Québec, Montréal et New York)
Pigiste chez Gestev

Musique du moment?
Dre. Dog, M83, Neil Young, Bon Iver, Northcote, M.I.A, Foster the people

Boutique préférée?
Tout ce qui est thrifted (Comptoir Emmaus etc)
Daytrip Society, Kennebunk, Maine

Café préféré?
Brulerie St-Roch
Kaï Pha Ka Paï, Wanaka, Nouvelle-Zélande

Quelque chose que tu aimes?
Sentir le soleil dans mon dos!



Camo cap

I am wearing my new second hand camouflage cap.